Tuesday, October 13, 2009

'Tis the Season.....to spin.....knit...and shop

I have been one busy bee. Between work, knitting dates, Robert dates and everything else I have simply had no time to post. I have pictures (regrettably on my dead camera at home) of the baby who is doing very well and is getting cuter by the minute I might add and some pics of my knitting and spinning, none of which I will be able to post until tomorrow so I will just talk about what I have been up to.

My knitting guru Christina and I have started a knit-a-long. She bought me the yarn for my birthday and it is soooo nice! It is the city tweed dk weight yarn from knitpicks and it knits up very pretty and soft. We decided on the Trellis and Vine Pullover from the Interweave Knits fall 2009 issue. It is a beautiful sweater and we were both really excited about it. I say were because I am no longer excited about it. It is the bane of my existence at the moment. For some reason I just DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE LACE INCREASES!! I have been trying for two weeks to get past the neck and it is laughable. Christina is already past the arms and on the body of the sweater and I am still at the freaking neck! I keep messing up and having to frog back....not to mention I don't really have a TON of time to knit so when I do sit down and get to do it, I like to make progress and right now I am making zip. Only when she is with me can I understand what I am doing because I just don't interpret it the right way.....it is so frustrating. But I will get past the lace part if it kills me....and it just might.

Robert Gerard has been a wonderful little boyfriend. This past weekend he took me to a very fancy restaurant called the Capital Grille, then on Saturday we went to outlets in New Hampshire and he started his Christmas shopping....he also bought me a new zip-up and wallet....love him! Then on Sunday (after he slept over ^_~) we went out to breakfast and ran some errands. All and all it was a fantastic weekend.

Then of course there is spinning. I actually found some time to spin this weekend! After I gave up on trying to figure out the damn LACE INCREASES on the STUPID SWEATER, I pulled out my lovely spinning wheel and decided to calm myself down. Spinning is a very relaxing and leisurely past time. It is simply pulling the fiber through your fingers while pedaling the wheel. Since the weather here in good ole New England is starting its quick decline into untter chilliness I decided it was a good weekend to start spinning again. When I looked at my wheel I realized that there was some plied yarn on my bobbin that I never washed or put in a hank. It was the fiber I spun on my spindle that Rob bought me all those many months ago! I washed it and measured it and it is about 108 yards of fingering weight yarn. I am going to use it for the ribbing, toe and heel on a future pair of socks =).

After I wrapped that up I got to spinning on some Spunky Eclectic fiber I had started a few months ago also. I cant recall the name at the moment but it has light brown and deep purple in it.....SO GORGEOUS! I have one full bobbin so far and I have started the second. My plan is to spin down the stash this winter and to have tons of beautiful new yarns to knit with and to gift to other people =). I have six bobbins so I am going to spin on all of the for 2 ply yarn ( so I will spin up 3 bumps consecutively) they ply them all at the same time! I figure this will make it a little faster and I can get the stash to a managable level. Like I said in an earlier post, I am a little ashamed at how much I have versus how much I have spun/spent. Oh well, time to fix my mistakes!

I will have pictures up tomorrow hopefully! Happy Tuesday!

Monday, September 21, 2009

This weekend was nice

I had a wonderful relaxing weekend. I had a few plans with friends and of course Robert Gerard, but besides that I stayed at home, completely gutted my bedroom (except for the clothes in my closet and the top shelf that I reserved for another day) and made it look pretty. I threw out a bunch of crap that I should not have been holding onto and I bought an under the bed bin. Mind you I was hoping it would hold all my roving and at least some of my yarn but it was only big enough to hold my roving =(....I cant believe how much I have......and I am a little ashamed at how much money I spent on it.......I am not buying anymore until it is all gone, that is a promise! So I also started spinning a little on my drop spindle to get ready for my spinning wheel again.....I need to get the stash down to a manageable level lol.

The bins beside my door are gone (they held roving and took up alot of space) and everything looks much cleaner.....there is no clutter anywhere and what little there is I would like to get rid of also! Haha! Let me tell you what lit a fire under my ass to do all this........one word.....HOARDERS. That new TV show on A&E....it is awful! It is about people who are waste deep in STUFF and there are people who are trying to get them to throw things away and they CANT DO IT....like I am talking about 10 year old empty shampoo bottles that they simply cannot part with. I was watching it with my mom and I suddenly got up and had the overwhelming urge to clean my room and throw things away.....it was a spiritual experience haha.

When I was finished cleaning I sat on my nicely made bed and I knitted on my socks and watched supernatural.....it was lovely. I also started the seasons again...what can I say I am obsessed haha. I am knitting a pair of socks from the two-socks-at-once book. I am knitting them on one circular needle and is very tricky. The yarn keeps getting tangled and obviously the knitting is different because it is on one needle. The gusset looks the scariest....hopefully I won't ruin all my hard work by messing up!

I didn’t get to see Robert very much this weekend. Only Friday and for a few hours on Sunday which made me sad, I miss him and I don’t get to talk to him much with his new job =(..oh well...it will get better I am sure. I just hate missing him so much.....it is hard on my mental state.

Last but not least I would like to brag about a birthday gift I received from my friend Lindsay, a very talented artist who gave me the coolest drawing ever! She hung it is gallery first so it is all nice and framed and gorgeous hanging on the wall is my newly cleaned bedroom! Is is called "Ardent Love" and it is perfect =)

If anyone is interested in her art, please visit her website www.SmallLindsay.com or email her at Lindsay@SmallLindsay.com =) She does free lance work on the side while she works designing shoe graphics for Converse.....yeah she is pretty cool and I have a Lindsay original hahaha!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

4 Days til Disney and my Favorite Pics so Far

There are only 4 days left until I leave for Disney and I have TONS to do.....laundry, pack, figure out how we are getting to the airport, buy snacks, pick out what knitting I want to bring....TONS. But I don't want to bore you with all the details of my busy-ness so I will leave you with the cutest pictures I have taken so far of my neice Bianca =)

Isn't she soooooooo cute? Looks just like me!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

Almost Ready

I finally bought my annual pass for Disney and the confirmation was printed with a cute little border! Don't you just love everything that Disney makes and does? I am going shopping this weekend for new clothes and anything else I need because I might not have time the weekend before....plus my sister might have her baby before then and I wanna spend time with her before I leave. Almost there! Only 1 week and 3 days til Disney!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Trying not to be a Copy Cat

I am trying very hard not to be a copy cat on the blog. My last post was about a scarf that Crazy Aunt Purl is knitting that I would like to try and I find myself copying her yet again today! I can't help it, she had a good idea on her blog today and it made me smile and I don't have a hell of alot to smile about these days so I am going to do it to......so there.

It is not anything major but she was saying how she and her friend email each other 3 good things each day and I thought I would give it a shot. I have no one to email so I am going to just post it here.

1.) I got to eat my lunch with Robert Gerard today, no matter what happens seeing him makes me happy

2.) My friend Christina and I are planning a knit along on the same project. We are going to try to get together as much as we can and see how our progress goes on it. I have never done a knit along so I was pretty excited about it.

3.) Crazy Aunt Purl is working on her first baby sweater and so am I! What are the odds? It actually looks like the same pattern, but it probably isn't haha.

There...those are my 3 happy things for the day. To be honest I couldn't think of anything else if I tried......everything is so stressful these days...knitting and Robert are my favorites stress relievers! Haha have a happy Monday!!

P.s 2 weeks til Disney!